Anonymous asked:
Is it possible to write a scene, both interesting & legal, of the character listening to music? In a movie that bought the rights, it makes for an interesting look at the character’s personality & choice of music, sets the scene, etc. But how can you do that in writing without naming the song (bc that’s boring). Just describe the song? “His new favorite song, an electro-punk…” or is there a trick? I also consider putting (original) lyrics into writing boring, unless they’re being sung. :-/
When it comes to using music in your story, here’s what you can do:
– name the band: Ted was listening to No Doubt on his way to work.
– name the song title: Ted was listening to Spiderwebs on his way to work.
– name the album title: Ted was listening to Tragic Kingdom on his way to work.
– describe the song style: Ted was listening to a ska punk song with reggae undertones, featuring a prominent drum beat, lots of brass, and trombone crescendos.
– refer to band members: Ted loved the sound of Gwen Stefani’s voice.
– refer to or describe going to a concert or performance: Ted swayed to the music as he watched No Doubt play up on stage. Gwen Stefani jumped around like she had springs in her feet; the energy coming off the stage was electric.
– use a fictitious band, songs, and lyrics.
Here’s what you can’t do (unless you have permission):
– use the song lyrics of a real band. Not even a single line, unless you have permission from the copyright holder.
– describe what happens in the song in great detail.
– portray the band or band members in a negative light or make untrue statements about them.
– use the band members as characters in your story.
Have a writing question? I’d love to hear from you! Prohibited questions: portrayal of diverse characters, portrayal of emotions, specialist knowledge questions (medical, military, mental health, etc.), “how to portray/describe,” asking for tropes/cliches, asking for resources; broad, vague, or complicated questions. See master list & main site for more info!
A novelist friend asked me about this, and I told her the same thing, but with a wah-wah-wah sound about how much she was going to have to pay for the rights and she should probably (follow the above advice to) get around a usage violation.
She, instead, like a boss, contacted the band through their website and they were thrilled to give her permission to use their lyrics in the book AND ALSO offered her backstage passes. Granted, it was not No Doubt, but it wasn’t a local bar band, either.
So, TL;DR, you might as well ask the band.