Good writing is remembering detail most people want to forget. Don’t forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth. Paula Danzinger (via videoassocdallas) Live in the heartbreak moments, because thats when people connect to characters (via killtheintern)

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Most of what you think you are conditioned to think. Who profits from what you believe? Follow that money trail for revelatory story.

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Aliens is such a fantastic example of this, you should just watch it five times in a row so you can catch all the little setups and how they are accomplished. Nothing is wasted. Everything does double duty. The power loader is the ultimate in reverse engineered awesomeness, of course, it pays off in well-established…

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Traffic and sold out shows and lines at the grocery store are not a big deal because they happen all the time and you expect them and they aren’t about you. Add rejection of your writing to this list. Your writing will be rejected. It’s inevitable. Traffic doesn’t keep you from going to the beach.

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Most of what you think you are conditioned to think. Follow that money trail for revelatory story.

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Most of what you think you are conditioned to think. Follow that money trail for revelatory story.

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In novels, problems are strung together so that the solutions to one problem often generate the next problem. It is out of the frying pan and into the fire, out of the fire and into the water, out of the water and back in the frying pan, until the novel is done. Jerome Stern, Making Shapely…

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7 Aha Moments from ‘Engaging the Feminine Heroic’

7 Aha Moments from ‘Engaging the Feminine Heroic’ nywift: The magical lecture by author and script consultant Dara Marks began, appropriately enough, with a blustery downpour. A unique co-production between New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) and Writers Guild of America East, “Engaging the Feminine Heroic” was an invitation…

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Aliens is such a fantastic example of this, you should just watch it five times in a row so you can catch all the little setups and how they are accomplished. Nothing is wasted. Everything does double duty. The power loader is the ultimate in reverse engineered awesomeness, of course, it pays off in well-established…

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