Ask any producer who has Scarlett Johansson or Viola Davis’s agent on the phone whether that cop character could be a woman. That is how binary we are. In dollar signs. It is flashy news that Bechdel-passing scripts did better with paying audiences than Bechdel-failers last year. So now that it’s ridiculously simple and can…

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Let’s go to the movies!

misterdelfuego: Movies set in the future: Everybody is white. Movies set in the past: Everybody is white. Movies set on other planets: Everybody is white. Movies set in virtual worlds: Everybody is white. Movies set in mythical worlds: Everybody is white Movies full of mythical creatures: Everybody is white True. Could also read white men….

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Your screenplay is weak in those places where it intersects with what you don’t really know about yourself. Not that you’re a great tangled mystery, but you take most of your own personality for granted and don’t notice it until someone yells at you about it. Politics and religion and -isms are great examples of…

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Writers are verbal people. We make everything into words. EVERYTHING. When you write your script, you have to turn that off and think in images. How can you communicate a character trait? Put them in a situation they have to react to, then we see who they are. End blaaaaaaah blaaaah now. Conversations are for…

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Notes from a Screenreader: The Wonkavator

Notes from a Screenreader: The Wonkavator nywift: Photo via Go Into the Story. Willy Wonka: No, it’s a Wonkavator. An elevator can only go up and down, but the Wonkavator can go sideways, and slantways, and longways, and backways… A screenplay should not be a Wonkavator, even if it isn’t linear. What you want in…

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