6 Rules of Screenplay Research

6 Rules of Screenplay Research writerofscreen: However, if you write stories about something you don’t know from your own perspective and experience, it will feel fake. And that’s the problem I have with a lot of scripts I read. Screenwriters write about gangsters, mobsters, and art dealers, but it’s clear they are just rehashing things…

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brusierkee: The Bechdel Test Infographic I made this for school. I think the bechdel test is important, but I think some people take it too seriously. Just because something passes does not mean women are being represented well. There are plenty of movies that fail that have well developed female characters.  However it would be…

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Useful Confessions #3

I get stuck when I make a hasty story decision. When I get stuck, really stuck, I can usually find the problem about ten pages ago. Nothing to do but get rid of that thing and put in a better thing to unstick yourself.

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just-writer-problems: Requested by canadianontheinside. Joss Whedon says jump to the juicy bits and work the boring stuff in later. I think it’s a good idea.

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