PRO TIP #887971

When writing dialogue in a screenplay, it’s easy to keep your mind and the script working visually by using non-verbal responses to show-not-tell. You don’t need dialogue to convey information. Behold:

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ISA Fast Track Fellowship

ISA Fast Track Fellowship FAST TRACK ISA IS OPEN The ISA Fast Track Fellowship will catapult the careers of TWO emerging writers with industry access, continued script development and career guidance. The Fellowship’s mission is to provide access to top industry professionals and the opportunity to build relationships that would normally take years to cultivate….

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Twin Peaks

I lived through Twin Peaks the first time and trusted David Lynch to the soles of my shoes, but honestly, and this is important, since they never planned to succeed, they ended up with a sort of Lost-y mess. The show subverted your ideas about what things are supposed to mean, but when you know…

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The most emotionally engaging antagonists are just protagonists who try to make things right THE WRONG WAY.

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The Tunnel Vision Problem

In your plot, events (hopefully) will happen that move the story forward. Often, they only happen to put a necessary condition into the plot.  When you prioritize your own convenience in putting those conditions in place, you miss big chunks of the emotional story. frinstance – you need the protagonist’s dad out of the way…

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