The Tunnel Vision Problem

In your plot, events (hopefully) will happen that move the story forward. Often, they only happen to put a necessary condition into the plot.  When you prioritize your own convenience in putting those conditions in place, you miss big chunks of the emotional story. frinstance – you need the protagonist’s dad out of the way…

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audiaphilios: The kind of thinking I like to see, the kind of thing I like to think about– and tell my students to think about. Amazing how much a movie could be fixed by telling it from the woman’s POV. EDUCATIONAL AND COOL (Source:

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ngoveronica: I feel like grabbing you by your ears right now and screaming, “I’m not fucking interested!”. Instead, I’m going to drive home and do some accounting. Nightcrawler (2014) dir. Dan Gilroy Writer friends, file under: how to structure, how to character, how to stakes, how to arc, how to escalate. Also written by Dan…

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Getting Over Your Plot

annerocious: Your plot could happen to any number of people, but you picked your protag and supporting characters because you wanted it to be about them because of who they are. Five different protags will react in five different ways to the events of the plot. Developing your character means being consistent with those reactions…

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