Useful Confessions #5

I have this huge pulpy paperback astrology book. It is a tool for creating complex, flawed characters. The writing in it comes out of genius level social intelligence. It’s a shortcut to getting the story started.

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Your screenplay is weak in those places where it intersects with what you don’t really know about yourself. Not that you’re a great tangled mystery, but you take most of your own personality for granted and don’t notice it until someone yells at you about it. Politics and religion and -isms are great examples of…

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Chemistry between characters needs to be built. It is not enough that they are both attractive. It is not enough that they snark at each other. Real chemistry is built in the moments when they admire each other. They don’t have to do it out loud. If you don’t carefully and deliberately build the chemistry,…

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A story is about a person. Who is this person and why do we care? Pro tip: it is not because they are the main character. Plots do not have fandoms. It is impossible to connect with characters who are a function of the plot. Focus on who your person is and what they would…

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When you create flaws, make them nasty and unmanageable. Characters with things about themselves that they despise, try to hide and/or can’t control make writing conflict easier and naturally vivid.

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Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage. Confucius — Laura Stolmeier (@stolmeier) November 25, 2013 File Under: Revealing your characters through action, Inciting incident, Midpoint, Final challenge.

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Films are not plot, they are characters and moments. Emeric Pressburger (via adrianswateringcan) There is no easier way to say it than this. Plots are a product of characters wanting things there is no easy way to get.

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Be aware of the things that a protagonist admires about himself that are provably false. Then prove it. So, me. I would never change my dynamic, awesome female protagonist into a man. I worked hard on that character, it’s important to the story that she’s a woman, it’s a groundbreaking part an actress would kill…

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