
First of all, look at Shirley’s face.

Second of all, I got a short script last week that just blew me away. It was in response to my “Yes, I will read for you” post, and this script is literally why I read, the very best reason to read – it makes me a better writer.

I can’t overstate the magnificence of the dialogue in this script, it created a character of amazing depth, dimension and self-delusion. It was like watching a great magic trick.

Great characters disclose themselves with great dialogue, and then they shut up. The silences are what lets the audience in and allows them to emotionally experience the story with personal empathy. Literally, you leave enough room for the audience to write itself into the story.

In this script, the most powerful moment happens in complete silence, but it does its job as a catharsis beautifully because it is well set up, all the conditions have been established, and the audience is given the gift of living a true emotional moment through a character. In silence.

This script radically improved a script I am writing right now, by showing me that a talk-heavy “bonding” scene I couldn’t nail down was because I should axe the hell out of the dialogue and let the silences do the work.

Thank you, involuntaryadult!

Follow her! She’s brilliant and she’s going to be huge.