
We just got a question in our ask box. We won’t post it publicly because it details a story premise that the author wanted to run by us and ask if we would be interested. 

In the interest of keeping their idea under wraps, I replied to them privately. But here’s the answer, just in case anyone is wondering “Hmmm…I have this idea for x, where y and z happens! I wonder if the folks at Carnation Books would want to read that?”: 


In all seriousness, though — please submit your work. Check out for details and a link to our submittable portal.

If your story fits our guidelines (queer romance, positive endings for your queer characters, length requirements and other specifications as listed on our page), SUBMIT IT! We want to see it. If you’re not sure if your story fits our guidelines, or if you have questions, get in touch at

Thank you!

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