
In talking about his high school venture into what was essentially fanfic which he successfully sold at school until called to see the Principal, and also his general lifelong love of horror:

“What I don’t understand, Stevie,” she said, “is why you’d write junk like this in the first place.  You’re talented.  Why do you want to waste your abilities?”

… I had no answer to give.  I was ashamed. I have spent a good many years since – too many, I think – being ashamed about what I write.  I think I was 40 before I realized that every writing of fiction and poetry who has ever published a line has been accused by someone of wasting their god-given talent.  If you write (or paint or dance or sculpt or sing, I suppose) someone will try to make you feel lousy about it. 

– Stephen King, On Writing, p49/50.

This is awesome advice. You don’t NEED to write serious Issue Drama to be a serious writer.

Write what attracts you, and your chances of being entertaining improve exponentially.

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