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Lol, I don’t think so, but that is the cutest answer ever.
pagepresence, February 16, 2018
God, I wish I could remember what this meant.
February 16, 2018
I’m a butch struggling to figure out if this femme likes me. I’ve noticed that she likes touching/rubbing my arms a lot and she’s just very touchy with me in general and likes to sit in my lap too, but what if that’s just the kind of person she is? She also likes to borrow my clothes when she comes over and there’s no good reason why really, but she asks me if she looks cute in them. She’s told me before multiple times that she thinks I’m handsome but I think it was in a joking manner… Help?
I just want to say thank you for all the work you put into this blog. It makes a big difference just getting to read this stuff. I hope you’re having a great day and your projects are coming along well :)