If you come to this shoot with me next weekend I can get your name in the credits.

Typical film major pick up line #3 (via nicoleblogsthings)

ONE TIME when I was halfway through my Masters Degree, I was at a (completely not film related) party, and there was this ONE GUY who was into screenwriting, and he LATCHED ON to me.

Like, completely. 

He decided it was awesome and “impressive for a girl” that I was going to USC, and then he had to tell me about his TV pilot he was writing, which was his first script ever, and it was and I quote, “already to page 240 and I’m just finished with act two! Impressive, right?”

(Gonna tag in annerocious and lifeascaty so they can laugh at the horribleness on that one)

But his sleeziness gets worse.  He then tried to get me a drink, leaned in all close and sketchy, and said “if you manage to graduate, I’ll even let you be an intern for my company when it gets made.”

(Long story short, people in the film industry use AWFUL pick up lines, and expect them to work.)

–FIle under: Things that are not impressive.

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