This is an easy one. Before you waste a lot of time describing something that’s familiar to both of us, like waking up, getting dressed, making breakfast, driving to school…yawn…sorry.
WRITE it. We’re both writers. Readers are never not writers.
JEN GLEN, the most indie/alt girl in the sophomore class, starts her morning routine, still zombified with sleep. Raises a thick black eyeliner to her eyes. Realizes there’s some left from yesterday. Smudges it with her finger. Perfect.
There. That’s three pages of meaningless reading I don’t have to do. I LOVE YOU ALREADY. And you even started with a morning routine. I have a strong impression of the character, I like her, and everything you don’t describe I will happily assume is not important to the story.
If you need to include a long, dull routine, just say “Doug completes a long, dull, repetitive, totally average morning routine without blinking.”