
Hi Anon!

It’s good you have an understanding of each discipline as that will help you when discussing the film with each department. If you have worked in these other disciplines, the first thing to do would be to ask yourself what you would like to know if the roles were reversed. If you don’t have a clear idea what each person on your crew does, ask them!

The first (and best) advice I would give is to meet with them before to tell them your expectations/vision for the film and ask each department head what they need/what you can do for them. Most likely, they will know their needs better than you will and can provide you with a list of what they need, would like, and questions they may have.

As the director, it is very important for you to have a clear idea what you want from the film and to be able to communicate it to your crew. This takes some time to learn, which is why it’s important to meet with your crew before the shoot. The more films you make, the more you will know, the clearer your directorial vision will become, and the better you will be at communicating this vision.

When you meet with your crew, have a list of things to share with your crew to illustrate your vision, including, but not limited to:

  • Shot list – you need to have this anyway, but coming into a meeting with a preliminary shot list gives you a foundation you can build upon with your cinematographer. It also clues you into what equipment is needed, how long shots will take (to shoot and setup), the feel of the camera movements, and what is actually possible in your location
  • Look book – a collection of images that show the look you are going for in the film. Look books can include a color palette, lighting, specific props, general look of specific sets, wardrobe pieces, and shot styles. (Screen grabs from similarly-styled films are often used.) This will help you describe and visualize the look you want to your cinematographer, lighting crew, and art department.
  • Location Information – If you aren’t shooting in a studio, you need to get information regarding the location. Pictures are great to have, as are overhead maps, as they show the crew what they will be working with. G&E and Sound may ask for an address and contact info in order to scout the location ahead of time. If you plan on scouting a location yourself, ask each department what they need you to look for.

I personally think it’s important to ask your crew what their vision for the film is. They may not have one and that’s fine, but if they do and you show you are willing to listen, they will be much more invested and eager to work with you. Often I find that directors who do this end up with better films because they include more perspectives. This doesn’t mean you have to compromise your vision to satisfy the crew, but you can learn a lot from your fellow crew members.

As for on-set directing, most departments are pretty self-sufficient and, if you talked with them beforehand, they will have a good idea what you want from them. I recommend getting a good 1st AD who will check up on all the departments and make sure they have what they need and understand what is going on. If your crew isn’t that big, you can do this yourself.

Each new shot, let the department heads know what is happening and mention anything specific you would like. (For instance, if the shot is of a character walking into the store and you want to hear the bell ring when she enters, tell sound you want the bell noise and ask if it is more practical to get the sound during the take or after.) It’s also reassuring to hear a director ask “Is there anything you need from me?” on set. It shows you respect them and fosters a collaborative environment.



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