Your plot could happen to any number of people, but you picked your protag and supporting characters because you wanted it to be about them because of who they are.
Five different protags will react in five different ways to the events of the plot. Developing your character means being consistent with those reactions – not expedient with the plot.
When plot happens, check in with your characters. Things that have no effect on them shouldn’t be included in the plot at all. It’s a natural rhythm in a script to pause for a moment and let the moment land on them, so that you can reveal the gradual change that moves your protag along the emotional arc of the story.
Your character’s reactions to the events of the plot, the moments you give them to simply reveal themselves, are what breathes life into your story.
They are the moments that are most satisfying to write, the place where you can be most expressive and original. Those are the moments that forge bonds between characters, and where you communicate your intent most directly to your audience.
Please don’t skip over them in pursuit of your plot.