1. What in the hell is he wearing?
2. Why would Jack ever eat over there?
3. What circle of hell is the Mid-Atlantic that you can’t swing a cat without hitting two artistic-genius-psychopath-serial killers at once?
4. Why do you need a cane after you’ve been disemboweled?
5. Was Bedelia Du Maurier prescribing Thorazine for herself? Heroin?
6. What is the tensile strength of Dr. Alana Bloom’s denial?
7. Was that ear even partially digested?
8. Could Dr. Gideon not just be English? Is it adVERtisement? ADvertisement. AdvertiseMENT? You know what, Eddie, let’s make him English. Oh, God, thanks very much, that’s a load off me.
9. No one ever asks Will Graham if maybe he wants a moist towelette? Or a shower? Or some antibiotics?
10. Did the flaming angel guy actually do that to himself?
Thanks in advance.