I’ve been wondering but where do you come up with all your info that you post? Do you teach this or have you studied it or something?
Thank you for asking! I was educated by the UCLA Professional Program in Screenwriting, by Paul Chitlik (author of Rewrite) at Michelangelo Screenwriting, head the NYC Bluecat writing group, and have read and written coverage for seven hundred and eighty two thousand TV and feature scripts.* I’m a professional story consultant, which means I analyze scripts for producers and writers to identify weaknesses and suggest fixes, I have written and ghost-written feature screenplays that have placed very well in major competitions, and read for competitions. I’m very good at analogies and snarkiness and thought that the best way to combine that with my desire to speed up the process of improvement for entry level screenwriters was to start a Tumblr, which also fulfills my deep need to procrastinate.
*more or less