Do you have any funny Chris Evans stories?
Oh dude, I have the funniest one. I don’t know if I can say. When I think about it every time, I love it. The coda scene that happens at the end of “The Avengers,” we shot it at the premiere, when we were all together. A year had gone by, and Chris was in the middle of doing another movie, where he had a full beard and he couldn’t shave it off. They had to do all these prosthetics over his face. The poor guy, he was in a chair for like four hours just for this three-second scene. He looked awful. He looked like his face was melting. Imagine if you have to put prosthetics over a thick beard, he looked like he got stung by a bee. The names that [Robert] Downey Jr. and everybody came up with. He couldn’t even laugh. It was really quite frustrating, I’m sure.– Jeremy Renner, [x].
It begs the question why they didn’t just put him in Jeremy Renner’s chair and call it done.