
Found footage of my cat. Fade out.

Poe’s Law infers that there is no way for me to know what the pie chart looks like for Ironic Cat-Saving vs. The Book Said to Save a Cat on This Page vs. Cats Saved by Coincidence vs. Other, but it is not an SRS I’m talking about.

I read a lot of literal cats getting literally saved.

Not that it’s news anymore, this very useful piece is over two years old, but it is not an asset to have a spec that hoves directly to this particular beatsheet for the sake of hoving.

The principles in the 2005 book set out some good rules for an ironclad logline before you start writing and some mechanics to keep you from being digested by the boggy mire of your second act. It is not by any means a useless book, but anecdotal evidence supports the idea that specs written to succeed on the model have become recognizable, and not in a flattering way to the writer.

Sort of the way every single episode of Community turned into exactly the same episode of Community.

Sorry, cats.


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