Yes indeed! And I’ll probably forget a whole slew of really good ones in this list, too:
whatshouldwecallcasting – for great behind the scene casting stuff.
mysteryagent – for good stuff on the representation side
wtffilmmaking – for funny moments in filmmaking
film-job-listings – for some truly awful film job postings to laugh or cry about.
scriptwriters-network – for good writing stuff
ireadscripts – for a truly good script reader who is a bit too good at finding what’s wrong with your script.
feministfilmmaker – for great feminism in context of film
annerocious – for AMAZING gifs and chunks of screenwriting advice.
renderplease – for great editing stuff and gifs
indieproducer – when he/she updates, it’s good stuff
hungerforfilm – a personal blog of a working PA, and it’s amazing.
hollywoodassistants – a gif blog about being an assistant in hollywood. It’s so accurate it makes me laugh, then cry.
And there are really many many more. Go through the tags. Filmmaking, film industry, screenwriting, script writing, they all have good and fun stuff in them.