

You have just moved to a beach house. One morning you hear the most horrible screeching noise you have ever heard. You walk down the beach to investigate. You see a siren, perched on rock and screaming. They look at you excitedly. “I’ve finally lured a human with my beautiful voice!” You feel bad for them. Luckily, you’re a vocalist.

“Listen, I’m a professional vocalist -” you start to say, stepping forward, and your foot plunges into the water and does not touch ground, the sea surging past your waist and up around your throat; and you had not realized you were so far from shore; but you keep making your way towards her, spluttering, trying to make yourself heard over your own thrashing limbs; because just look at her, that poor deluded girl, that simple smile on her face as if she’s just sung the most beautiful song in all the world.


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