For real if unionization did end up killing Walmart, do you realize how much my town and all small towns would benefit? Walmart came here and systematically killed off all the small interesting and vital stores and services, and I know my town is chock full of creative folks who desperately want to be entrepreneurs and start a fabric shop or a deli or what have you. But until Walmart fucking dies it’s impossible to run these kinds of small but vital businesses in a small town. So I say kill it.
It’s literally a core part of their strategy when they open a new Walmart. They go to all the local stores and undercut all of them, even if it means selling at a loss, because they can take the profit hit and the small business can’t. You ever drive through a small town’s downtown square and wonder why all these gorgeous old buildings and shop fronts are abandoned? It’s fucking Walmart, and we need to kill it.
I feel this argument daily. it’s part of who I am now. Walmart also manipulates their salary hours to keep employees from earning overtime and benefits while keeping them at a level of income so low that they need government programs (taxpayer money) to subsist. Walmart needs to die. But first that profit needs to be distributed back to the communities it was sucked out of. As a business model it is no more than large-scale sadistic psychopathy. They are a fucking cancer.