Saw this on Facebook, but I have greater reach hear
I fact-checked this and it looks totally legit!
Brittany Lavery is an associate editor at Graydon House (here is a link to the Twitter thread where she answers a lot of questions).
Here are some key takeaways:
- They only publish Adult Fiction (no YA, middle-grade, or children’s)
- Inkyard Press, their sister imprint, is going to be doing a similar open call in August for YA novels across all genres (link to Twitter thread)
- No sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or nonfiction
- It DOES include queer lit!
- Romance/romantic women’s fiction can be sent to HQN Imprint
who are doing a similar open call
(link to Twitter thread), but the editors acquire manuscripts for both imprints and will make sure it gets to the right place
- They are open to international Black writers + Black writers of any gender
- While they will only make an offer for completed manuscripts, they still look at unfinished manuscripts and may request to see more material
- According to Melanie Fried, editor at Graydon House, here’s what’s hot right now:
Make sure you get your manuscripts in, and tell your Black author friends!!! I’d love to know who all’s submitting!!!
Neat! I hope any black writers following me can take advantage of this!
Also hey @thebibliosphere this looks like something some of your followers could benefit from, would you mind spreading around?