The results of study after study point to social media inhibiting attention span and worsening mental illness symptoms, and half the people on this website will hear that and say, “Okay, boomer. Anyways, I haven’t read a book since I was fourteen, and starting a new TV show on Netflix gives me a panic attack.”
Inhibiting attention span huh?
But like isn’t that more on how fast we’re used to having things like instant search results and fast wifi rather than social media???
Lmao lower attention span *looks at the multiple multichapter fan fics and I’ve read within one binge read* *looks at the multiple 2 hour drama documentaries I’ve listened to*
It’s not that we can’t read anything longer than a paragraph it’s that I choose not to read long things that don’t interest me
You’re right. Researchers are lying. They’re just trying to hide the truth that stories where Mario has sex with Charizard is inherently more interesting than actual books. It couldn’t possibly be that your attention span is so damaged that you’ll only engage with material that features characters and situations you already know, not to mention the blocks of warnings that tell you absolutely everything that will happen in the story. You got them. It’s a big conspiracy to keep Margaret Atwood in a job. She’s just too old to learn what AO3 is.
Anecdotally tumblr gave me adhd symptoms to the point where I started to write this reply without realizing that there was a reference to Mario having sex with Charizard in the post I was replying to.