Ahhh what a great question, and you’ve given me a great opportunity to promote my friends on screenwriting side of tumblr! I don’t know that many working TV writers here, but I know some really smart up-and-comers
@lifeascaty posts about her adventures as a scriptreader and screenwriter, and often posts lists of screenplays you can download online. Also she’s a wonderful person and we met on this hellsite like years ago and now we’re actual irl friends HOW ABOUT THAT!
@writerlyn is a screenwriter and posts smart stuff about Hollywood and feminism. We also met on this hellsite and now I’m friends with her and see her irl all the time!
@annerocious also writes about being a script reader and a screenwriter, and posts really valuable info about the industry and also good posts on how ~not to write a script.
I know there are many others, but those are the ones that spring into my head first. Everyone feel free to reblog with your recs!
Also feel free to check out my writing advice and career advice tags for my old posts.
Hello, you blizzard of new followers! Thank you! @writerlyn pulled me up out of the gutter when I first started Banal Probe.