I love how people are like “imma say it, Killmonger was right’ like that wasn’t the goddamn point. I mean, T’Challa literally listened to him and is doing exactly what he said Wakanda should do. Both at the end of the movie (buying up buildings in Oakland) and the post credit scene (offering their resources at the UN). Killmonger was right when he said Wakanda has the resources to help black people and T’Challa was wrong in thinking that they’re not ‘their’ people. It took [spoiler] one of their family members being on the outside his whole life and dealing with the way black people are really treated to realize that they can’t just do nothing. That they are all their people. He’s going against all the kings before him because of Killmonger. Because Killmonger was right.
a valid villain
Um no? He’s not using Killmonger’s methods; he’s using Nakia’s. She was focused on the aid T’Challa eventually warms up to. Killmonger just wanted war and chaos, arming Black people or the CIA if that’s the way it happens to go. And Killmonger wantonly killed Black women. Which parts did T’Challa adopt again?